What Do I Do?

Every individual finger on the hand is essential for the hand’s perfect health and function, and yet there is one finger that we all take for granted: The pinky finger. While it does not appear to be responsible for any essential daily activities, any injury to it could result in the misalignment of the entire hand’s skeletal structure.

The fact is, the palm of your hand consists of 5 bones (called metacarpals) and the fingers consist of a total of 14 bones (called phalanges). Fractures of the pinky finger’s metacarpal or phalanges occur at the staggering rate of over 33% of all hand fractures among adults!

There are numerous activities and situations that can lead to a broken pinky finger in people of all ages and fitness levels, from engaging in ball sports to slamming your pinky in a car door to carelessness when using power tools to calcium deficiency or osteoporosis. Although fractures can occur in a variety of ways and result in various scopes of damage, symptoms of a broken pinky are essentially the same:

  • Stiffness or tenderness
  • Swelling or bruising
  • Difficulty moving the finger
  • Deformity of the finger

If left untreated, the fracture may lead to persistent stiffness in the affected finger or even a permanent deformity. Thus, it is best to see a professional hand pain specialist as soon as possible. Depending on the extent of the injury, a broken pinky finger is treated through conservative or surgical methods:

  • A conservative treatment typically involves the placement of a cast or a splint to immobilize the finger, enabling the fracture to mend on its own. Normal recovery time is 3 to 4 weeks.
  • A surgical treatment involves a manual correction of the bone alignment in the hand, followed by immobilization using pins or wire. Normal recovery is approximately 10 weeks, which may include physical therapy.

Why risk complications from a broken pinky if you can work with our fully certified and knowledgeable Sarasota/Bradenton pain management physicians on your injury? Simply call your local Coastal Orthopedics Sports Medicine & Pain Management office, and let us guide you on the path to a full recovery.